Reminder ~ Property owners must abate their weeds by Sunday, June 1, 2025


The Five Cities Fire Authority has established guidelines for weed abatement to assist property owners. Failure to meet abatement specifications shall constitute non-compliance. The Five Cities Fire Authority encourages the community to properly maintain their property.

All residential properties in Arroyo Grande and Grover Beach are required to have weeds and grasses no taller than four inches (4”), growing upon all portions of their property (along with the removal of all other combustible materials). Guidelines for properties less than 10 acres: mowing or disking of a fifty foot (50’) wide break around the property perimeter and from any roadway down to mineral soil is required; 10 feet from any driveway; and a minimum of 100 feet around all structures. Grass and other vegetation located more than fifty feet from any structure and less than eighteen inches in height may be maintained where necessary on slopes at or above forty-five degrees to stabilize the soil and prevent erosion. These requirements apply to all portions of your property, including the back yard. Abatement of your property is a requirement per California Health and Safety Code, Section 14900.5. 

Residents can contact fire administration at 805.473.5490 or with questions.

REMEMBER:   Properties must be cleared of hazardous fuels year-round.

Failure to remove combustible materials will require the Five Cities Fire Authority to have a contractor clear the property and charge the property owner. The Authority will charge the actual cost of abatement, plus an additional 100% (percent) administrative fee of the actual cost. Said cost will constitute a lien upon the lot and lands from which such weeds are removed.